Friday 15 February 2008

alexander technique

I have been studying the alexander technique from an excellent teacher, margaret farrand - this quote sums up my experiences so far:

"As one goes deeper, the resistance increases, but in the journey one is not alone, and help will come if sincerely requested. When I gaze now inwardly upon the influences of my fundamental Alexander Technique teachers, by moments I remember the extraordinary clarity and importance of direction imparted by Mr Macdonald, the stillness calling through the guidance of Miss Goldie, and the releasing transmitted by Mr Carrington. Putting the three teachings together, and this is not meant to be a formula, I think it would be accurate to say: release upward into the direction of stillness. This stillness potentially can deepen into quietness, a necessary prerequisite for silence."

Kategorien: Alexander Technique News

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Patrick Macdonald was indeed an amazing teacher. And I'll forever regret not having lessons with Margaret Goldie. I did find the same clarity with a very different, American teacher, Marjorie Barstow.

For anyone interested in learning more about this amazing method, I suggest the main website at