Thursday 10 May 2007

the sphenoid bone

The sphenoid is a butterfly shaped bone at the bottom of the skull.

It is considered the most important of the cranial bones because it touches nearly every other bone in the skull. If the sphenoid is out of alignment (subluxated), the entire skull, spinal column and even the brain may be affected.
The sphenoid joins at the bottom ot the skull with the occipital bone to form the sphenobasilar junction. This junction acts like a pump to move the cerebospinal fluid thoughout the nervous system. This delivers nutrients to your brain, spinal cord and nerves and removes wastes.

Anyone who has suffered a trauma to the head should be examined for skull bone misalignments. Especially if the injured person begins to experience, what may seem as, unrelated health problems after a head injury.
Also people who have suffered a head trauma during the birthing process - instrumentation such as forceps, suction, and vacuum extractors are common causes of misaligned skulls. In fact, many of the patients seen at our clinic have suffered lifelong health problems because they were never aware of their birthing trauma.
Anyone who is currently afflicted with any of the health conditions listed below may need their cranial bones adjusting:
ADD, ADHD, Fibromyalgia, Premature Aging,
Asthma, Headaches, Post Concussion Syndrome,
Allergies, Learning Difficulties, Seizures,
Autism, Sports injuries,
Chronic Fatigue, Migraines,
Dyslexia, PDD

Note: If you have been seeing a chiropractor and your results are not satisfactory it may be because the misalignments of the skull have not been addressed.

reference: Chaitow L. Cranial manipulation - theory and practice

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