Wednesday 28 March 2012

get your copper copper

According to Wallach, aneurysms are caused by a copper deficiency. Copper deficiency can also cause white hair, wrinkles, and sagging in old age. Wallach recommends trying colloidal copper supplementation before opting for a face lift or any other type of lift, as the copper supplements usually work better. His most famous story about copper deficiency was the government turkey pellet disaster of 1957:

"Here's a good one. Dr S.C., 38 years old. Dead of a ruptured aneurysm. Even a turkey wouldn't die of a ruptured aneurysm! It's easy to prevent. We learned this in 1957. The government came out with its 'wonder food pellet' for turkeys. Guaranteed to grow them bigger, fatter, faster, and deader than a door nail. The farmers had to pick them up in bushel baskets, worst year ever for turkeys, they took them to the labs by the truck load, opened them up, and guess what they found? They all died of a ruptured aortic aneurysm, every last one, 50% of the entire nation's flock of turkeys... So they knew something was missing in the food. They analyzed the liver, blood, and muscles. Copper deficiency! Your arteries' elastic fibers need copper for tensile strength. The next year the copper content in the feed was doubled, and the mortality rate from ruptured aortic aneurysms dropped to 0%!"
- Joel Wallach from his "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" speech, as quoted on

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