Alex Loyd and Ben Johnson wrote a book called The Healing Code. In this book they reveal twelve "Issues of the heart". These issues of the heart are created through corrupt cellular memory. Every cell in the body records every event that happens and stores these as images. These corrupt cellular memories change the physiology of the body at a subconscious level, and these physiological changes create disease and prevent healing. I encourage you to get the book and see how these issues of the heart develop and how they are related to health and disease. The healing codes were extensively researched for efficacy using the gold standard for measuring physiological stress adaptation in the body; heart rate variability studies.
here are the codes:
#1 Unforgiveness
Why do I choose to forgive myself and others unconditionally?
#2 Harmful Actions
Why do I choose to respond only out of truth and love?
#3 Wrong Beliefs
Why do I choose to believe the truth in my heart?
#4 Love vs Selfishness
Why do I choose to give and receive love unconditionally?
#5 Joy vs Sadness/Depression
Why do I feel so joyous and happy and full of life?
#6 Peace vs Anxiety/Fear
Why do I feel so peaceful and fearless and calm?
#7 Patience vs Anger/Frustration/Impatience
Why do I feel so patient and calm and relaxed?
#8 Kindness vs Rejection/Harshness
Why am I so kind and help others to feel loved and appreciated?
#9 Goodness vs Being not good enough
Why do I choose to do what is right and feel secure in myself?
#10 Trust vs Control
Why do I feel so trusting and able to release control?
#11 Humility vs Image Control
Why do I love others as they are without comparing myself to them?
#12 Self-Control vs Out of Control
Why can I embrace life with enthusiasm and still live a balanced life?
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