Wednesday, 12 September 2007

Polyphasic Sleep - whats this?

very tempted to try this - think how much time you could save!

Polyphasic sleep involves taking multiple short sleep periods throughout the day instead of getting all your sleep in one long chunk. A popular form of polyphasic sleep, the Uberman sleep schedule, suggests that you sleep 20-30 minutes six times per day, with equally spaced naps every 4 hours around the clock. This means you’re only sleeping 2-3 hours per day. I’d previously heard of polyphasic sleep, but until now I hadn’t come across practical schedules that people seem to be reporting interesting results with.

Under this sleep schedule, your sleep times might be at 2am, 6am, 10am, 2pm, 6pm, and 10pm. And each time you’d sleep for only 20-30 minutes. This is nice because the times are the same whether AM or PM, and they’re consistent from day to day as well, so you can still maintain a regular daily schedule, albeit a very different one.

People who’ve tried this sleep cycle have reported higher alertness and energy, more vivid dreams and more lucid dreams, and of course lots of extra free time.

However, this sleep schedule is a potentially dangerous way of increasing your waking hours. Although some people found success with it, there may be physical and psychological dangers for some..

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