Friday 18 January 2013

you are not alone : cancer and flu shots

from Dr Tedd Koren DC: 
Cancer – is chemotherapy worthless?

Worse. An extensive survey to quantify the actual benefit of cancer chemotherapy concluded that chemotherapy contributes just over 2% to improved survival in US patients. And that was an optimistic assessment.
Dr. Graeme Morgan, author of the study says: "We were sick and tired of hearing about these new drugs and it wasn't really cementing into anything. And the reason for my doing the paper was to really show that there hasn't been any improvement in survival, or the improvement has been very, very modest despite all these new drugs and new combinations and bone marrow transplants."

My patient's husband

The husband of one of my patients is a top executive in a large pharmaceutical firm. He is in charge of manufacturing the flu shot. I asked her if he had his flu shot.

"No, he doesn't get them," she told me.

"He doesn't? Why?" I asked.

"Don't you know that pharmacists don't take drugs?" she said.

She reminded me of the famous study of oncologists who were asked, "If you or a family member had cancer, would you take or recommend chemotherapy?" Over 80% said, "No."

When asked why they answered, "because of unacceptable levels of toxicity and questionable effectiveness."

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